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Denise Liebig
Jun 28, 20193 min read
Silent Films... Or Were They?
Silent films and the era in which they were popular (approx. 1891-1927) have fascinated many. But have you ever wondered what it would be...
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Denise Liebig
Apr 26, 20185 min read
Bye-bye, Bob! Why Authors Delete Scenes & Characters
You’ve likely heard of movie scenes, even whole characters, being cut from a film, forever lost during the editing process. The same goes...
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Denise Liebig
Feb 13, 20183 min read
Off the Rack: A Time Traveler's Closet
What girl wouldn’t want a few extra clothes; especially at someone else’s expense? How about a closet full of them? In Dear Maude, Emily...
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Denise Liebig
Dec 13, 20175 min read
It's Music, Music, Music!
Some say love is the universal language. I happen to believe that music is, because, despite the language a song is written in or how...
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Denise Liebig
Nov 6, 20173 min read
Sex in the Old City
Bordello, cathouse, brothel, house of ill repute, call them what you will, but a story about early New York wouldn’t be complete without...
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Denise Liebig
Sep 21, 20173 min read
The Art of Change
Fauvism, Cubism, Futurism were all the rage in 1910. Think Picasso and Matisse, and you’ll have a good idea of what the art world looked...
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Denise Liebig
Aug 15, 20176 min read
Timeless Vehicles Repurposed in The Dear Maude Trilogy
In time travel fiction, something—a machine, a watch, a phone booth, standing stones, etc.—transports the character(s) back in time. For...
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Denise Liebig
Jul 11, 20174 min read
Dis-ease in The Dear Maude Trilogy
From Typhoid Fever to the Spanish Influenza, early twentieth-century diseases were widespread, often pandemics, which affected young and...
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Denise Liebig
Jun 8, 20173 min read
Spencerian Script: It’s Everywhere!
Students used it, teachers used it, and business people used it; in fact, anyone who could write used it. Even today Spencerian Script is...
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Denise Liebig
May 27, 20173 min read
Riding Sidesaddle: Why Not Face the World Head-on?
In Dear Maude, Emily Stanton’s training involves the popular pursuits of a 1910 lady of society, including riding sidesaddle. For those...
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Denise Liebig
May 13, 20173 min read
Not the Dreaded Corset!
Corsets top Emily Stanton’s lists of avoidable undergarments in Dear Maude, For the Love of Maude, and Forever Maude, the books of The...
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Denise Liebig
Apr 12, 20172 min read
Where is St. Helens, Oregon & Why is Emily from There?
In Dear Maude, Book 1 of The Dear Maude Trilogy, the protagonist, Emily Stanton, is from St. Helens, a rural town just outside Portland,...
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Denise Liebig
Mar 28, 20172 min read
What You Don’t Know About Dear Maude
I’m often asked for some backstory on my books—information regarding the people, places, and things from Dear Maude and beyond. Well,...
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